The RETSCH AS 400 control is used for sieving dry goods with test sieves up to 400 mm in diameter. The uniform, horizontal circular sieving motion produces a sharp separation of the sample fractions. Fine and coarse-grained goods from areas such as milling, brewing, chemical industry, quarries, soil testing, woodworking and plastics industry, can be exactly separated with the AS 400 control. This particular sieving motion is preferably used for long or fibrous, needle-shaped or flat materials due to their horizontal orientation. For the testing of plastics (grainy molding materials), the standard DIN 53 477 stipulates exactly this circular sieving motion.
The AS 400 control can be used as test instrument for the quality control according to DIN EN ISO 9001. Due to the controlled drive which is independent of the power frequency the AS 400 control yields reproducible results worldwide. The speed and sieving time are set, displayed and monitored digitally. The instrument is supplied with a test certificate and can be recalibrated. If desired, the rotation direction can be set to alternate in the interval. A memory for 9 sieving programs facilitates routine analyses. The AS 400 control has an integrated interface for controlling all sieving parameters via the EasySieve® software.
The sieve shakers of the control series can be equipped with a variety of accessories to provide for a wealth of application requirements.
With the RETSCH clamping devices the sieves are clamped safely, quickly and conveniently on the sieve shaker. The clamping devices “comfort” are particularly user-friendly and timesaving.
Collecting pans, intermediate pans, intermediate rings and sieve lids.
Clamping lid with nozzle, collecting pans with outlet, venting rings.
Chain rings, brushes, cubes, balls (e.g. for reducing agglomerations when sieving particles < 100 μm and keeping the mesh free).
We provide IQ/OQ documentation for the „control“ sieve shakers to support IQ/OQ certification by our customers.
Suitable for thorough cleaning of test sieves and for quick, gentle drying of samples and sieves.
EasySieve, the software for particle size analyses, exceeds manual evaluation in many aspects. The software is able to automatically control the necessary measurement and weighing procedures – from the registration of the weight of the sieve up to the evaluation of the data. It is simple and convenient to use and is also available in an FDA 21 CFR Part 11-conform version.
RETSCH's Analytical Sieve Shaker AS 400 control is ideally suited for separation, fractioning, particle size determination of construction materials, ground corn, plastics, sand, splints
wood chips
To find the best solution for your sample preparation task, visit our application database.
Mottaksskiven til AS 400 foretar horisontale rotasjonsbevegelsert med 15 mm radius (i henhold til DIN 53 477) Turtallet fra 50 til 300 min-1 reguleres elektronisk. Det kan tilpasses alt siktemateriale trinnløst. Faktisk turtall vises digitalt. Mottaksskiven drives av en robust vedlikeholdsfri girmotor med 125 watt effekt. Kraftoverføringen skjer med en eksenter.
funksjon | separering, fraksjonering, bestemmelse av partikkelstørrelse |
bruksområde | biologi, byggematerialer, geologi / metallurgi, glass / keramikk, kjemi / plast, landbruk, maskinbygging / elektroteknikk, matvarer, medisin / legemidler, miljø / gjenvinning |
matemateriale | pulver, massegods |
måleområde* | 45 µm - 63 mm |
bevegelse av siktematerialet | horisontalt kretsende bevegelse |
maksimal ladning / siktemateriale | 5 kg |
maksimalt antall fraksjoner | 7 / 9 / 17 |
maksimal vekt på siktematerialet | 15 kg |
turtall | digital, 50 - 300 min-1 |
tidsvisning | digital, 1 - 99 min |
intervalldrift | 1 - 10 min |
SOPer som kan lagres | 9 |
egnet for tørrsikting | ja |
egnet for våtsikting | - |
serielt brukergrensesnitt | ja |
med testsertifikat / kan kalibreres | ja |
egnede siktediametre | 100 mm / 200 mm / 203 mm (8") / 305 mm / 315 mm / 400 mm |
maksimal høyde på siktematerialet | 510 mm |
Klemmeinnretninger | standard, "comfort", each for dry sieving |
kapslingstype | IP 20 |
Elektriske tilkoblingsdata | 100-240 V, 50/60 Hz |
Nettilkobling | 1-fase |
b x h x d | 540 x 260 x 507 mm |
nettovekt | ~ 70 kg |
Normer / standarer | CE |
Med forbehold om feil og tekniske endringer