
Siktemaskin AS 450 basic

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The AS 450 basic, is a budget-priced alternative to the AS 450 control sieve shaker. The new sieve shaker covers a size range from 25 μm to 125 mm and accepts loads of up to 15 kg. Time and amplitude are digitally set, a memory function allows storage of one program. The AS 450 basic is suitable for dry and wet sieving. It is the economic solution for customers who need to sieve larger quantities of dry material with reliable results.


byggematerialer, coal, fyllstoffer, jord, kjemikalier, koks, malm, mineraler, plast, sand, sementklinker, ...

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The AS 450 basic works with an electromagnetic drive. This drive produces a 3D throwing motion that moves the product to be sieved equally over the whole sieving surface. The advantage: high stress capacity, extremely smooth operation and short sieving times with high separation efficiency.

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