
Prøvesplittere RT 100

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A faultless and comparable analysis is closely linked to an accurate sample handling. Only a sample representative of the initial material can provide meaningful analysis results. Sample splitters ensure the representativeness of a sample and thus the reproducibility of the analysis.
The RT 100 is equipped with a feed hopper with closed outlet. Thus, up to 30 l sample material may be evenly spread over the entire width of the hopper. The outlet is opened manually by moving a lever and the sample is splitted. The slots of the dividing head can be adjusted to a maximum width of 108 mm.
The sample splitters RT are ideal for the on-site reduction of sample material. They are easy to use, easy to clean and do not need an electrical power supply.


  • kan brukes i laboratorier eller i felten
  • for den mest presise manuelle splitting
  • optimized splitting process by evenly spreading the sample over the hopper
  • variable slot widths permit splitting of coarse bulk material
  • splitteprosesyre i henhold til DIN 51701/ T 4


byggematerialer, fyllstoffer, gjødsel, jord, kaffe, kjemikalier, korn, mel, metallpulver, mineraler, nøtter, sand, sementklinker, såkorn, vaskepulver, ...


With sample splitters, one of the receptacles is used to pour a well mixed sample evenly into the dividing head. The material runs through the alternately arranged passages in the opposite direction into the two collecting receptacles under the dividing head outlets. With every operation the feed sample is halved. This can be repeated as many times as necessary until the required dividing quantity has been obtained.

Prøvesplittere RT 100 Technical Data

funksjonprøvetaking og inndeling av prøver
bruksområdebiologi, byggematerialer, geologi / metallurgi, glass / keramikk, kjemi / plast, landbruk, maskinbygging / elektroteknikk, matvarer, medisin / legemidler, miljø / gjenvinning
størrelse på matematerialet*Slot width adjustable 12 / 24 / 36 / 48 / 60 / 72 / 84 / 96 / 108 mm
prøvevolum*<= 30 l
antall delmengder2
b x h x d72 x 70 x 46 cm
nettovekt~ 55 kg
*avhengig av matemateriale og apparatkonfigurering /apparatinnstillinger

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